Is your team performing at its top?

Coaching can substantially improve the team’s and individual’s performance, having a track record of absolute minimum return on investment of 200%. Can your company afford to keep its teams operating under their top performance?

Help for business management: consultant or coach?

Many businesses, from sole traders to medium and large organizations, are taking measures against the recession facing us. Read here how a business coach can offer cost effective help for your business.

Coaching For Redundancy

Cambridge is a strong business centre; nonetheless several companies are affected by redundancy. Check how you, as an employer, can help your employees to have a better life after being made redundant, by offering coaching as part of their redundancy package.

I Shall Be a Coach

Coach is the buzzword of the last few years. All of a sudden we are literally surrounded by coaches. A term that was once used just by sport trainers and team managers is now synonymous of many more professions.