Cambridge and the 20mph zones
I personally feel that people in charge of traffic in Cambridge don’t really drive; if they did they would surely do things differently. This post is about the 20mph and why I feel they are not that useful. A few years ago the council announced that some areas of Cambridge should have reduced speed limit […]
A little note inspired by the whole #brexit hype
If you apply for a job and lie about your skills and experiences you will get fired as soon as the lies become obvious. Why politicians are allowed to lie in order to get elected and then cannot be removed from their position when the lie becomes obvious? The promises about the £350M per week […]
What if money didn’t matter
I just found on Facebook a link to this great video that I find really inspirational: I believe there are some fundamental questions that any person should ask, particularly a teacher when talking to her students. Yes interesting… although I am not sure how many teachers, in various schools around the world, are actually allowed […]
You can’t handle the thruth
This is my favourite interpretation of Jack Nicholson, at the end of a few good men when Col. Nathan Jessup is questioned on Code Red, absolutely amazing:
Rocket Surgery?
The most difficult jobs are usually described as rocket science or brain surgery, as here the brilliant Mitchell and Webb are pointing out: